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Daniela Gordillo Tellez


I am from a cobija


From fabuloso and bleach to keep the house always clean and from vegetable oil to cook delicious meals.


I am from a small apartment where only three individuals live


A small white kitchen full of the most delicious smells and flavors

when three o'clock is around the corner.


I am from a hibiscus flower


The hoja santa that Jarochos use to make the yummiest tamales on Earth


Whose long gone limbs I remember


As if they were my own.


I’m from watching TV until we fall asleep and to remain quiet when people do bad things to us and put it in God's hands because he will handle it.


From my mom who never gave up despite being left alone and my little sister who has shown me what unconditional love is all about.


I’m from "you are wrong, I’m not" and long hours on the table during dinner because it is the perfect time to talk


And from show your education: greet people, don't throw any trash in the street, but most importantly respect your elders.


I’m from “if you are going to do something do it right or don't do it at all “and “te amo”


And “Tributo a la salsa Colombiana” by Alberto Barros on weekends when it was time for my mom to spend the whole day cleaning


I’m from cleaning the house daily because you never know when you are having a visit.


I’m from Veracruz, Mexico, and Oaxaca, Mexico


Picadas and tamales


From a woman who left her birthplace (Oaxaca) wearing chanclas just to escape from the machismo and mistreatment of her husband.


A woman who could not read or write but managed to leave properties to each of her children including my grandfather who not only inherited a property but also an education, and she did it by raising pigs, washing and ironing other people's clothes.


Leaving Mexico in March 2013 because my beautiful country could no longer provide me safety.


I keep a picture not only on my phone but also in my heart to remind me of the end and the beginning of a new life.

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