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Johana Gallardo Quiroz




Brown is the color that not everyone calls their favorite

but for me on the other side 

Brown is the color of my coffee in the mornings

that gives me energy to go throughout my day


Brown is the color of my eyes 

Which many people find beautiful as I do

The ones that give me the opportunity to look around

And see all the beautiful things the world has for me


Brown is the color that represents my skin 

and my roots bringing my culture to the light

Brown is a color that represents many 

Special parts of who I am.



I moved and I learned to be another me

The me that is more quiet and 

scared of judgement

The me that has to learn to communicate 

Language, friends, home, culture 

all left behind


New beginnings where I have to find the new me

The one that keeps her thoughts in her mind

Doesn't find many friends to cry with

To laugh with, all left behind 


The fear of not being yourself

Or being too much of yourself

The fear of losing the new people

The new chapter

the new you

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