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Marcey Ramirez


I am from the broom that keeps a big family's home clean

From the baby wipes that keep the little ones clean and a bottle of vegetable oil used to cook and feed everyone after a hard day of work.

I am from the tiny place called home, the one that holds twelve of us

A small, little house surrounded by fields and crops, the one where you can feel that deep, strong breeze at night.

I am from the white orchid, the type you give to a loved one out of celebration or appreciation. The sunflower whose long stem I remember as a sign of maturity and change as the years go by.


I'm from making atole in the winter to keep us warm and crying alone to soothe the pain of the past

From Mana Fina who showed that women truly built this family and Lily who showed its okay to show the pain

I'm from being too stubborn to show that you're wrong and  playing loud music in the shower and from saying hello to everyone at a party as a symbol of respect.


I'm from "Stop playing your game for so long!" and "I'm too tired, tomorrow."

and hearing "Guadalupana" be sung across town for the church parade

I'm from cleaning the house every month because someone has to do it

I'm from Gilroy, California and Oaxaca, Mexico

Mole con arroz and salmon cooked over the stove

From coming to this country and working in a greenhouse

To having to learn Chinese to be understood by other workers

To keeping a picture of the one you love for good luck

To keep these memories in a wallet so that person is always with you

To work hard now but live better later.

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